Digital Promise Publishes Teacher-led Brief on Levered's Math Program in Classrooms
July 25, 2018

Salt Creek Elementary wanted to determine if Levered Learning Math was an effective tool for supporting the range of students in 4th grade classrooms.
Salt Creek Elementary is in Chula Vista Elementary School District, the largest elementary district in California, situated between San Diego and the United States-Mexico border. Like many schools in the district, Salt Creek serves a wide range of learners from diverse economic and cultural backgrounds and abilities.
The brief prepared and submitted by Salt Creek's participating 4th grade teachers and the school's Principal shows the school's CAASP scores as the highest in the district, with growth 126% of the district average and 137% of the California average. The brief concludes with, "Based on highly positive feedback from teachers and students, as well as the strength of year-end SBAC/CAASPP results relative to district and state scores, Salt Creek chose to participate in a second pilot of Levered’s 4th grade fractions and decimals program for the 2017-18 school year."
Download the entire brief here,