CALSA Focus On Results 2020
January 27, 2020

Join us at the annual Focus on Results Conference Jan. 31 - Feb. 2, held by the California Association of Latino Superintendents and Administrators
Focus on Results is one of the reasons Levered joined CALSA as a Core Sponsor. These California Latinx Administrators and Superintendents gather mid-year to learn, connect and strategize as a community how they can finish the school year strong and getting results for every student is our core mission.
The 2018-2019 school year was a big year for schools implementing Levered's 4th-grade curriculum. We saw 50% growth at the highest achievement level, Exceeding Standards, and a drop in Not Meeting Standards to single-digit percentages.
Student growth on Levered has outperformed the state of California’s average by 150%-160% for three years in a row. At our longest-running partner schools in Chula Vista Elementary District,
- English Learners had growth 260% over the state average
- We had 4 times the amount of Economically Disadvantaged students Exceeding Standards over the state
- 64% of students classified with Disability Met or Exceeded Standards vs. 18.5% in CA
- Overall students Exceeding Standards grew by 10%, while the state dropped 1%
All of this growth came from a program starting in January, which we have just made available for new schools to sign up for 3rd through 5th-grade (email info at levered dot com for more information). These same schools have been using Levered for the entire school year, so we are excited to see the results this summer.
For more information on Focus on Results, click here.